Gathering on Spirituality & Sustainability
June 29, 2017. Assisi, Italy
Forum 21 and The Interspiritual Network, co-sponsors
See: https://unity.earth/roadmap-to- 2020/.
Conversations on “Laudato Si’,” the prophetic 2015 encyclical letter on ecology
by Pope Francis, on cooperation with the United Nations in the search for integral
development, on the Earth Charter & the global educational movement of the
Earth Charter Initiative, on indigenous & other spiritual perspectives on Earth-
caring & on other leaders in spirituality and sustainability, all in relation to the
need to create a regenerative, spiritual, and sustainable ecological civilizations.
This event is now full.
Crestone Convergence Conference
July 23-28, 2017
Forum 21 and The Interspiritual Network, co-sponsors
See: https://unity.earth/roadmap-to- 2020/.
The Crestone Convergence: Uniting the Tribes for a Livable Future: Local,
National and Global Spiritual Unity and Activism. A group of activists, spiritual
and secular, will gather to network and share their visions for a sustainable and
inclusive world. As well, they will connect personally and as a group with the
foundational indigenous and spiritual energies in Crestone, Colorado and share a
live music concert and other local activities. If you are a leader of a constituency
in the global interfaith, interspiritual and activist community please feel free to
inquire of kurtjohnsonisd@yahoo.com

The From Self Care to Earth Care Conference
2016 Locations and Schedules
There is no advance registration.
June 11, Gold Hill outside Boulder
A Full Day in the Rocky Mountain High Country at
Hacienda de Guru Ram Das
1050 Pine Street, Gold Hill
Up Sunshine Canyon Road from Boulder
11AM- 4 PM
Cost: $35 includes light snacks
Yoga, Music, Food, Inspiring Presentations from Visiting Presenters, Sacred Ceremony and more
Featured Presenters and Activities
Yoga, Health and Wellness:
Karuna from www.lightonkundalni.com and Patheos.com 's spokesperson for Yoga, Health and Wellness, will provide Kundalini Yoga, music and meditation sessions, celebration and dance.
World Challenges, World Affairs, and Global Shift:
Dr. Kurt Johnson (www.interspirituality.com) from the UN's International Yoga Day Committee and the far-reaching UN Committee on Spirituality and Global Affairs. Kurt will speak from his best-selling book The Coming Interspiritual Age -- and upcoming global plans for interspiritual music festivals-- on what is going on worldwide as interspirituality goes global in our multicultural age. Kurt will update us on what the Integral, Gaiafield, Subtle Activism, and Interspiritual networks worldwide are projecting in the next years for Sacred Activism. Note that last year's Self Care to Earth Care Video by Ken Wilber now has more than 32,000 views at YouTube!
Indigenous Wisdom, Ceremony and Ritual:
Woody Vaspra (www.worldcouncilofelders.org) (Hawaiian/ Lakota elder and co-founder of the World Council of Elders and the International Sundance (http://worldcouncilofelders.org/gatherings/international-sundance/) will join Karuna and others in activities centered on indigenous wisdom, ceremony and ritual.
Awakening and Engaging in the World, Compassionately:
Yanni Maniates (www.insideoutjourneys.com) specialist in eco-spirituality, meditation, intuitive development and perennial, Hermetic wisdom teachings will lead us on an exploration of what it means to “Wake Up and Grow Up” and will guide us in meditative exercises to help us experience the essential nature of our Oneness.
June 13-14, Carbondale
June 13-14, evenings
other side-events to be announced
DaviNikent Center and Two Rivers U.U.
with presentations also by the CMC Sustainability Program, The Valley Settlement Project and Roaring Fork Valley Food and Homeless Assistance groups joining
Karuna (see above)
Dr. Kurt Johnson (see above)
Yanni Maniates (see above)
June 14, 1-3 PM
True Nature Yoga Studios
100 N 3rd St, Carbondale, CO 81623
Karuna and Dr. Kurt Johnson, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Inspiration
Cost: $35
See details at www.lightonkundalini.com
June 16, Crestone
Planning meetings with Crestone communities for future programs
The Planning Team at Crestone's Zen Center "Kiva" 2015
Presenter Bio’s
Dr. Kurt Johnson is a well-known writer and speaker on Interspirituality, Eco-Spirituality, the New Science, and the policy work of the United Nations where he serves on many committees. He is a founder or director of The Interspiritual Network; Forum 21 Institute; UN Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns; FIONS; Evolutionary Leaders; Gaiafield Network; Contemplative Life; One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, and the Community of The Mystic Heart and known also for his books: The Coming Interspiritual Age (2013); Fine Lines [science and art] (2016), Nabokov's Blues (2000), and hundreds of periodical articles, videos and commentaries. See also the YouTube Interspirituality Channel, these websites— www.interspirituality.com; www.thecominginterspiritualage.com;
www.communityofthemysticheart.org; www.isdna.org; www.forum21.co; www.evolutionaryleaders.net; www.contemplativelife.org, www.gaiafield.net -- and Wikipedia Kurt Johnson (entomologist)
Karuna is an Associate Level Trainer in the Aquarian Teacher Training Academy of Kundalini Research Institute (KRI). Travelling widely with the global Interspiritual community, an ordained “Wisdom Keeper” and well-versed in the medicine traditions of the Lakota, she is a spiritual guide for the Sacred Feminine and the spokesperson for Kundalini Yoga at Patheos.com. Hailing from Boulder, Karuna organizes Teacher Training programs under the auspices of KRI founded by Yogi Bhajan. Karuna hosts great voices—Snatam Kaur, Mirabai Ceiba, Guru Ganesha—to offer Kirtan and workshops where all can enjoy and participate. She teaches daily adult yoga classes in addition to Conscious Child Yoga and mentoring young models and actors.
Yanni Maniates (www.insideoutjourneys.com), MS, CMI, is Director of Eco-Ministry, Forum 21; event coordinator, The Interspiritual Network; co-editor, The Eco-Activist Newsletter; editor, “Steering Toward the Omega Point: Roundtables 2 ,3 and 4: Discussions of Altruism, Evolution, and Spirituality;” and curator, Self-Care to Earth-Care. In the 80’s he was the Director of a large organization that hosted many major international, interfaith, ecumenical conferences. Also, he was the Director of a medium sized publishing company in NYC for 5 years. As well, has been teaching Meditation, Intuitive Development and Hermetic and Perennial Wisdom teachings for nearly 30 years. The primary focus of his work has been to help people experience the “still, small voice within” or as he prefers to call it, “The Embrace.” He is the author of six books on Meditation and Intuition and three Meditation CDs.
Woody Vaspra is President & Elder Liaison of the World Council of Elders and a co-founder of the International Sundance. He is a Hawaiian Kupuna (Elder), Lakota Ceremonial Leader, Sundance Chief, retired Air Force pilot, Vietnam veteran and former corporate director for several companies, Woody co-founded World Council of Elders, a 501(c)(3) educational organization in 2000. Woody has traveled across the globe meeting with indigenous Elders of many native cultures in fulfillment of the vision of creating a worldwide organization of traditional indigenous wisdom-keepers ready to share their Earth-honoring traditions toward love, peace and harmony for all peoples.
See also www.lightonkundalini.com, www.davinikent.com, www.forum21.co,
FACEBOOK: these pages-- Global Interspirituality Network, The Coming Interspiritual Age, Light on Kundalini, The Interspiritual Multiplex
July 17-18, 2015
Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality, Denver
Ken Wilber presented an historic overview of the situation of the world's religions, the future of cultural evolution, and the implications of David Sloan Wilson's book Does Altruism Exist? Wilber's presentation from the conference has over 6000 views at YouTube and can be viewed

Wilber's presentation at the Denver conference now has over 6000 views at YouTube
David Sloan Wilson commented on the conference at his Evolution Institute blog: https://evolution-institute.org/blog/my-spiritual-journey-part-i/
The event featured these major Presenters, and there areas of passion and expertise: Ken Wilber and David Riordan (Integral Life), David Sloan Wilson (Evolution Institute), Elizabeth McCleod (The Nature Conservancy); Kurt Johnson and Mac Legerton (The Interspiritual Network), Rick Clugston (Forum 21 Institute), Ruel Walker (Pachamama Alliance); Greg Reitman (Blue Water Films); Maikwe Ludwig (Eco-Village Education U.S.), Karuna Ashley (the spiritual practice community Light on Kundalini) and Jonathan Ellerby (the host at Denver’s Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality).
A concise report on all of the conference issues appeared in the Huffington Post by McEntee, Clugston, Johnson and Starr: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rory-mcentee/major-shifts-in-science-c_b_8167752.html
The Summer Conference as Reported in ANCHOR Magazine,
a major magazine on Social Justice issues
The current era is characterized by a powerful shift in the human relationship to earth and all its life forms. This will, by necessity, transform planet-wide understanding, ethical principles, values-based vision, and social action. This transformation is occurring on every continent, albeit conceived in various ways. “Eco-Awareness” and “Eco-Service” – and in cultures of religious parlance, “Eco-Spirituality” and “Eco-Ministry-- are leading phrases arising to depict this new sense of connection and expression between humanity and earth.
In what is now a classic essay entitled “The Ecological Age” (hereafter “EA”), a prominent Western religious figure, Fr. Thomas Berry (at once a seminal “eco-theologian” and yet arguably also grandfather of today’s more secular “Journey of the Universe” and “Big History” movements) described four stages in human history. He proposed that we are now entering the fourth-- an “Ecological Age”. Assuming the hat of an anthropologist, Berry described how humanity has moved through a primary Tribal Age, a second Age of Great Traditional Civilizations, and a third Technological Age.
In Western culture, he said, this gave “men power formerly attributed only to the natural or the divine” (EA, p. 7). Humanity now, Berry states “has the power of life and death not only over human life but over the earth itself and its higher forms of life” (EA, p. 9). This, he says, makes it necessary to move to an age wherein “nations must learn a primary allegiance to this larger life system…. Planetary welfare is now the welfare of each nation and each individual” (EA, p. 11).
Berry’s account of the necessity of our transformation to an Ecological Age is impassioned, declaring:
“Only such an Ecological Age can produce the understanding and the corresponding commitment required to stop the world of exploitation, of manipulation, of illusory money values, of mutual human abuse, of destructive violence so intense that it threatens to put the torch not only to the human city but to the planet itself. We have now acquired the power to turn the earth itself into a vast conflagration. But while we stop one world situation we must create another. Thus the need to awaken the energies needed to create a new world, to evoke a universal communion of all living and nonliving systems of the universe… What is clear is that the earth is mandating that the human community assume a responsibility never assigned to any previous generation. “ (EA, pp. 16-17).
Integral philosopher Ken Wilber reported at a major summer conference on "From Self Care to Earth Care" that the important pathway is to lift planet-wide humanity out of the conflicts of magic-mythic-literalist religion and into higher developmental levels that are pluralistic, holistic and integral. Altruistic evolutionary leader Dr. David Sloan Wilson says in his 2015 book from Yale University’s “Foundational Questions in Science” series– Does Altruism Exist?—nature has always been fundamentally about building systems and processes that serve the whole, not self-interest groups. Wllson offers up the possibility that, based on altruistic principles, it might be possible to join all “senses of meaning” (religious and secular) to one of being “simply positive”.

Dr. Kurt Johnson (at podium) discusses Does Altruism Exist? with its author, Dr. David Sloan Wilson (left), at the From Self Care to Earth Care Conference
From Self-Care to Earth-Care
Some Benchmarks of History, Pioneers, and a Future Vision
By Yanni Maniates and Dr. Kurt Johnson of www.interspirituality.com
“History clearly demonstrates that spiritual vision sustains civilization.
Without such a vitalizing spirituality, the ultimate heart of religion, civilizations
ultimately decline, and are taken over by other systems.”
~ Br. Wayne Teasdale (The Mystic Heart [MH], 48)
“Only … an Ecological Age can produce the understanding and the corresponding commitment required to stop the world of exploitation, of manipulation, of illusory money values, of mutual human abuse, of destructive violence so intense that it threatens to put the torch not only to the human city but to the planet itself. We have now acquired the power to turn the earth itself into a vast conflagration. But while we stop one world situation we must create another. Thus the need to awaken the energies needed to create a new world, to evoke a universal communion of all living and nonliving systems of the universe… What is clear is that the earth is mandating that the human community assume a responsibility never assigned to any previous generation.”
~ Fr. Thomas Berry (The Ecological Age [EA], 16-17)
Over the past few decades a new vision has been emerging, both consciously and subconsciously, among many different kinds of people worldwide, both religious and non-religious. It is an evolutionary impetus that is leading us to a world consciousness that leaves behind the conflicts and rigid dogma of the magic-mythic-literalist mind-set and instead guides us into higher developmental levels that are pluralistic, holistic, and integral.
This new vision is helping us all to find a common ground both to openly and deeply communicate with each other and as well to join in communion and service for the common good of all. It’s not based on ideologies of the mind, but on ancient technologies of the heart. Technologies and inner “knowings” that have been practiced, preserved and honed over the millennia in and through the great spiritual traditions of the world.
It doesn't matter whether we are female or male, indigenous or urban, scientist or mystic, Hindu or Muslim, we are all connected by these “golden threads” of spiritual wisdom that run through all the spiritual traditions and that are now beginning to be woven into a beautiful tapestry of Cooperation, Community, Love, Peace and Service to all sentient beings and to the Earth. Yes, Ariadne has left us a “golden thread” to follow that can lead us out of our labyrinth of self-centered, materialistic, meaningless belief systems as well as away from the Minotaur’s steely, heartless grasp into a compassionate, inclusive world that works for all.

Dr. David Sloan Wilson (left) discusses Does Altruism Exist? and the new evolutionary paradigm with Maikwe Ludwig (right) of Eco-Village Education U.S.

Dr. Rick Clugston, an author of The Earth Charter and President of University Professionals for Sustainability.

Ruel Walker, Director of Development for The Pachamama Alliance's work with indigenous peoples.

The Aspen Chapel engaged the summer speakers for an important Conference on Spirituality and Social Responsibility arranged by its Rector, Rev. Nicholas Vesey(center).

Dr. Elizabeth McLeod of The Nature Conservancy outlines current threats to marine life.

Althea Center Director, Dr. Jonathan Ellerby greeted the Conference attendees.

Yogini Karuna, host of the Sunday conference program at Boulder's Starhouse led the attendees in centering early for a full day of conference activity

The event tour met with Fr. Thomas Keating of the Snowmass Interspiritual Dialogue, Contemplative Outreach, Monastic Inter-religious Dialogue, and Centering Prayer movements: Fr. Keating center, as his right Karuna, at his left, Mirabai Starr. Back row: Roger and Pam LaBorde, Kurt Johnson, Rick Clugston, Mac Legerton, and in front of them, Rory McEntee and his son.

Centering on Ecospirituality, two evenings of meetings were held with the Crestone interfaith communities discussing mutual interests and goals, and projecting an education and retreat program for the future.
Additional Photos From The Conference

In the West, it is through the pioneering work and cross-cultural writings of contemporary spiritual/activist pioneers such as Fr. Thomas Merton, Fr. Bede Griffiths, Fr.Thomas Keating, Dr. Raimundo Pannikar, and Br. Wayne Teasdale; the work of seminal thinkers in the Integral Movement such as Ken Wilber and his Integral Philosophy; Don Beck’s and Christopher Cowan’s Spiral Dynamics; the prophetic writings and activist work of Fr. Thomas Berry across the “Eco-Awareness,” “Eco-Service,” “Eco-Spirituality” and “Eco-Ministry” arenas; the pioneering work of Mary Evelyn Tucker’s “Forum on Religions and Ecology;” Karenna Gore’s “Center for Earth Ethics;” Dr. David Sloan Wilson’s exploration and explication of the altruistic evolutionary paradigm; and many others who preceded these that the thirst--that is growing among so many on the planet for a new vision, a new Paradigm--is being quenched.
This movement in the West, of course, parallels millennia of seminal human understanding grounded in cultures of the East and the indigenous traditions of North and South. Recently—as the indigenous wisdom-oriented Pachamama Alliance puts it-- it has been the awakening of the “1st-World Dreamer” from its imperiled materialist vision that has characterized the global shift of the last few decades.
There is a vision now that we can all begin to grasp. It is the evolutionary impetus that is carrying us all into a whole new relationship with our selves, others, the creation and all the dimensions, possibilities and potential that makes up this incredibly beautiful, majestic and mysterious universe we live in. Critical mass is being reached. A “heart” intelligence and an inclusive vision is beginning to come into focus.
From Self Care to Earth Care (and Everything in Between)
“Self-Care to Earth-Care” feels called to share with you a piece of this vision and invites you to join us withyourvision so that we can look to co-creating a new, peaceful, prosperous, world-wide community on Earth.
The etymology of the words “community” and “communion” both stem from the Latin com and union which mean “to be one with.” We wish to bring together like-hearted and like-minded people from all over the world for this endeavor, to vision and hopefully build a community based on planet-wide trust and understanding, ethical principles, values-based vision and social activism. In this way we can begin a vision of community/communion working toward a sustainable world that works for all. In and with our diversity, we are destined to live as one worldwide community, whether it emerge through a “soft landing” or a “hard” one. Our goal is the former.

Those with a vision “see” that this shift is coming, of necessity actually, as Br. Teasdale said “because of a new set of historical circumstances” [MH, 4]. Others (to be kind, but humorous) seem to belong to what some call the “Ostrich sangha”, blind and truly lost at this time of radical transition. Teasdale declared at the beginning of The Mystic Heart “We are at the dawn of a new consciousness, a radically fresh approach to our life as the human family in a fragile world” [MH, 4]. “Every one of us is a mystic,” he said. “We may or may not realize it; we may not even like it. But whether we know it or not, whether we accept it or not, mystical experience is always there, inviting us on a journey of ultimate discovery” [MH, 3].
Indeed, we need to become dreamers, visionaries, even “seers,” but anchoring this vision in the sanity and day to day skillfulness that Teasdale characterized in his second classic book A Monk in the World [hereafter, “MW”]. This understanding was the impetus for Teasdale to transform the “vision” of the ancient Sannyas, or renunciate. “In our time”, he said, “…with its special needs, we require a spirituality of intense involvement and radical engagement with the world. It is in the real world that people live their busy lives, and it is in the real world that the wisdom of the monks [Sannyas] must be…” [MW, xxiii].
Rooting our vision in the Divine Ground of our Being and thus creating an awakened spirituality that unites our inner and outer lives— one that serves us and others and preserves the Earth, combining personal spiritual growth with sacred service, this is truly the calling of our time. “This” said Teasdale, “is what spirituality is really about” [MH, 18].
Entering the Ecological Age
The pioneer-activists mentioned above, and all their predecessors East, West, North and South have sketched out a new vision for this millennium. They are pointing us to a new paradigm from which we can maximize the potential for a new world of peace and prosperity while at the same time minimizing the all too real chance for a catastrophic demise of civilization.
The reality of the Ecology Age is upon us. Today technology and ease of travel have created a “global village.” As Dr. Kurt Johnson of this website says in opening nearly all of his programs “globalization and multiculturalism are inevitable. Indeed, they are already here”. Groundswells like The Eco-Spirituality Movement, The Journey of the Universe, Big History, and such initiatives as today’s indigenous-oriented Pachamama Alliance’s “Awakening the Dreamer”, are all calling civil society to secure our planet’s environmental future through a sound ecological footing.

In A Monk in the World, Teasdale wrote sections on “The Community of Nature,”“Nature’s Symbolism,”“The Struggle to Promote Change,” and “The World as Community and Testing Ground,” attention to which he said, in The Mystic Heart, was part of our “sacred duty to earth” [MH 8, 132]. Although the “grandfather” ofInterspirituality, Br. Teasdale, emphasized the ecological vision of Fr. ThomasBerry throughout his seminal works, substantially referring to him nearly a dozen times, no one might have suspected the ultimate synergy of their two worlds and passions that has unfolded today. It has become the nexus of “Self-Care” (personal spirituality, development and maturation) and “Earth-Care” (care, repair and sustenance of Gaia, “Mother Earth”).
As the West’s seminal “eco-theologian”, Fr. Berry, following on the vision of iconic Jesuit cosmologist and paleontologist, Fr. Teilhard de Chardin, traced our world’s evolutionthrough a primary Tribal Age, a secondary Age of Great Traditional Civilizations, and a third Technological Age. He then named a fourth, impending, Age-- the “Ecological Age”.
Western culture, he said, had given “men power formerly attributed only to the natural or the divine” [EA, 7]. Humanity now, Berry continued “has the power of life and death not only over human life but over the earth itself and its higher forms of life” [EA, 9]. This, he said, makes it necessary to move to an age wherein “nations must learn a primary allegiance to this larger life system…. Planetary welfare is now the welfare of each nation and each individual” [EA, 11].
When Fr. Berry assumed direction of graduate programs at Fordham University, among whose doctoral students later was Br. Wayne Teasdale, Rachel Carson had just penned her classic clarion call Silent Spring. The innocence of the world’s technological revolution was just beginning to see the unintended consequences of its misuse and mismanagement of the natural world. Fr. Berry was to become the major voice in Western spirituality for care of the Earth.
Moving Forward
As we move forward, let’s begin joining passionate holists everywhere and explore together the dimensions of the emerging new world paradigm. As Br. Wayne Teasdale outlined in [MH, 65]:
“This new paradigm must be able to accommodate all human experiences, knowledge, and capacities. It must be based on the recognition that we are intimately connected with the earth, other species, and the cosmos. Although Western cosmology from the Greeks to the present ignores the interrelatedness of all beings and dimensions of reality, mystics and certain philosophers have known this truth for millennia. It is what philosopher Ken Wilber calls the Great Chain of Being, the basis of the primordial tradition, the perennial philosophy, terms referring to the nature of reality underlying all the ancient civilizations.”
The world is burgeoning with transformative and prophetic messages today. Interspirituality, eco-spirituality, integral wisdom, eco-sustainability, and the like, are only part of the movements for changes that are emerging globally today. Hopefully, our theme “From Self-Care to Earth-Care”, provides an extremely useful platform for furthering these discussions. Certainly we are gratified that the profoundly articulated vision of Ken Wilber at our July, 2015, conference in Denver, Colorado, has, to date, garnered some 10,000 views at YouTube. (See YouTube link below.) And we look forward to posting the links for the “Roundtable Discussions” we have created with some thirty visionaries and thought leaders around the subject of David Sloan Wilson’s emerging altruistic evolution paradigm.
We hope you will join us with other concrete and promising proposals for nurturing the world’s current leading edge.
Link to Ken Wilbur’s presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4jcxxJ_0ok

Original Conference Schedule
Friday Evening, July 17, 2015
Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality, Denver
18:00 - 19:00 Registration – Yoga Session
19:00 Opening Ceremony and Music (Meditative)
19:15 Welcome - Rev. Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, Executive Director and Lead Minister, Althea Center
19:20 Introduction to the Conference Rev. Mac Legerton, Conference Coordinator Interspiritual Network/Forum 21
19:25 “Connecting the Visions of Ken Wilber and David Sloan Wilson” Dr. Kurt Johnson, Co-Author, The Coming Interspiritual Age
19:35 “Ken Wilber, Integral Theory, and Evolutionary Theory" Dr. David Sloan Wilson, Author, Does Altruism Exist
19:45 “Integral Consciousness in the Ecological Age” Ken Wilber, Integral Philosopher and Author
21:00 Closing Remarks
21:15 Social
22:00 Adjourn
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality, Denver
7:30 - 9:00 Registration
7:45 - 8:45 Yoga Session
9:00 Opening Ceremony and Music
9:15 Welcome, Review of the Day, Morning Workshops, and Introduction of Dr. David Sloan Wilson
9:30 "Spirituality, Science, and Truth" Dr. David Sloan Wilson
10:30 Break
10:40 Morning Workshops
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Overview of the Afternoon, Workshops and Introduction of Dr. Elizabeth McLeod
13:40 “The Secret of Tackling Climate Change” Dr. Elizabeth McLeod, Marine Climate Scientist, The Nature Conservancy
14:20 Break
14:30 Afternoon Workshops
16:00 Break
16:15 Closing Ceremony Led by Rev. Dr. Jonathan Ellerby Executive Director and Lead Minister, Althea Center
17:00 Adjourn
Saturday Evening: Celebration of Sacred Earth and Spirit
19:00 Opening Ceremony with Music
19:10 Three Options (Choose One)
1. Luminary Roundtable: Dr. Kurt Johnson, Ruell Walker, Dr. Elizabeth McLeod, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, Facilitator
2. Working Group: Uniting the Green Transformational Culture in Colorado for Policy Leverage and Change
3. Film: “Rooted in Peace”, a major documentary on Eco-Spirituality by Greg Reitman and 2007 Sundance Film Festival Winner
20:30 Reception
22:00 Adjourn
Sunday Morning, July 19
Free Time
Morning Service at the Althea Center begins at 10:30
Sunday Afternoon, July 19
Star House, Boulder
12:00 Picnic Lunch (Bring Your Own) at Star House – Networking, Hiking
14:00 Joining of Man and Woman, Heaven and Earth, Truth and Love: A Kundalini Workshop for All Levels
16:00 Adjourn
Saturday Break Out Sessions: 6 will be held in the morning breakout session period and 5 in the afternoon period. The Bios of the Session Leaders are available on the Presenter page of the Conference website.
Saturday Morning Breakout Sessions
Eco-Spirituality, Eco-Ministry, and Eco-Justice with Sacred Earth – Rev. Mac Legerton and Dr. Rick Clugston, Leaders
Integrative Medicine: Spiritual Roots of Healing and Health for both Personal and Planetary Health Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, Leader
Does Altruism Exist? A New Scientific Foundation for Interspirituality – Dr. David Sloan Wilson and Dr. Kurt Johnson, Leaders
Kundalini Yoga for Health and Healing – Karuna
The Evolution of Super Intelligences: The Other Consciousness Conversation – David Riordan
Social Skills for Cooperative Culture: 10 skills that Bring Us All Closer to Embodying the World We Want to Live In – Ma’ikwe
Saturday Afternoon Breakout Sessions
The Future of the Conservation Movement: Expanding our Collective Impact – Dr. Elizabeth McLeod
Interspirituality: Evolution’s Frontier at the Heart of the World’s Wisdom Traditions – Dr. Kurt Johnson and Dr. David Sloan Wilson
Making the Shift to a new UN Development Agenda that Cares For People and Planet – Dr. Rick Clugston
Awakening the Dreamer: The Fusion of Spiritual Practice and Public Policy in the Pachamama Alliance – Ruel Walke
The Path, Policies, and Challenges toward a Just and Sustainable Colorado – Combining our Paths to Sustainability and a Renewable Energy Future – Colorado Team (TBA)
Film – Saturday Night Showing
ROOTED in PEACE is a major documentary on Eco-Spirituality by Greg Reitman and a 2007 Sundance Film Festival Winner. The film challenges viewers to examine their values as Americans and human beings. Today we are at war within ourselves, with our environment, and with the world. Director and award-winning filmmaker Greg Reitman invites viewers on a film journey to take notice of the world we live in, proactively seek ways to find personal and ecological peace, and stop the cycle of violence.
The film relies not only on memoir, but also interviews with such luminaries and activists as Deepak Chopra, music legends Donovan, Mike Love, and Pete Seeger, film director David Lynch, Noble Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire, media mogul Ted Turner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, green architect William McDonough, neuroscientist Dan Siegel and many others. Reitman learns from all of them, and heeds Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s words, that if the forest is to be green, every tree must be green; if there’s going to be Peace on earth, then everybody needs to experience that quality of Peace within themselves. And so in asking viewers to do the same, Reitman poses the basic question: How do we want to live? Reitman's journey is an example of transformation — how one person can learn to make the necessary changes to enjoy a better life — and in so doing inspire others to want to improve their own lives, and society as a whole.