To provide space for the leading voices and activists across the interspiritual,ecospiritual,sustainability and other transformative landscapes.
To vision and effectuate future programs, events and initiatives across these areas of passion.
Provide space for various constituencies and sectors to gather together that are committed to self-care and earth care and are shaping a new, ecological society and culture.
Join persons and organizations within both grassroots and professional cultures in the Ecological Sector who normally are not in the same room together. A major purpose of this strategy is to broaden organizing in order to expand the system of influence for policy advocacy and leverage on not only national and international level but also on the local, bio-regional, and statewide levels.
Connect local, bio-regional, and state eco-justice leaders and organizations with each other and with eco-justice leaders and organizations working on the national and global levels.
Connect local and state eco-justice leaders and organizations with national organizations and leaders that are working on the national and international levels, including at the United Nations, to promote ecological lifeways, policies, practices, and international agreements and treaties in relation to eco-justice.
To facilitate follow-up and new connections between participating persons and organizations on the local, bio-regional, state, and national level in order to increase the collective impact of the broadened base of relationships developed prior to, during, and following conferences, events and initiatives.
To evaluate the Conference model of planning, implementing, and sustaining inclusive and accessible initiatives that joins diverse sectors within the growing Ecological culture together with minimal expenses and fees. Given the rising ecological and economic crisis, it is likely that Conference and Event models that utilize limited costs to both sponsors and participants with resources generated largely from within the state will provide a valuable model to be replicated. This method will not only benefit the expansion of the collective impact of the Ecological sector within each state, it will also benefit policy engagement and leverage on both the national and international levels by strengthening both horizontal and vertical organization and influence.
Deepen understanding and commitment to protect, promote, and respect the earth, its delicate balance, and how to live within its bounds and bounty.
Participating Constituencies and sectors include: Faith, Interfaith, Interspiritual, Spiritual, Integral, Health, Healing, Environmental, Ecological, Science, Sustainability, Social Justice, Sustainable Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Green Business, Public Policy, and the Arts Communities